Monday, July 13, 2020

Endless Photos

As a digital photographer, I have a very large photo catalogue.  I have been shooting with a digital camera since 2009.  I recently decided I was going to clean up the catalogue (since I now find myself with an abundance of free time. I retired from VTA on 7/13/20, after 23 years) by adding  keywords to all the images which do not have them and delete images which I felt were duds (duds = images I will never process). 

So, I configured Adobe Lightroom to show me only the images without keywords.  Wow, to my surprise I found 143k images (122k RAW format, the rest PSD, JPEG and PNG).  This number encompasses 2019 and 2020 only.  I'm not sure I have the attention span for such a task.

So, now I ask myself, what is more important to me in terms of devoting my time? Deleting the images I know I will never use, or identifying images by subject via keywords?  I know photographers who never delete files.  I know some who delete the duds when they first import them into their catalogue.  Hmmm, it's a tough choice, because I hate having my hard drives filled up with files I will never use. It's equally as frustrating to me to not be able to find images I know I have, but don't remember where I placed them.

I have decided that being able to locate images based on subject is more worthy of my time and gives me a sense of accomplishment than just deleting duds.  By adding identifying keywords to each image I can locate specific images quicker and easier.  After keywords are added, I can delete duds as I find them, but I'd rather be able to pull up an image based on subject.

Now, these are my preferences only.  Yours may vary.  I have been using Adobe Lightroom ever since Adobe put it out.  I have always been frustrated with the import algorithm Adobe uses.  I find that by organizing my catalogue using keywords, I cut down on duplicate files, which is another one of my pet peeves. 

In another world, another time, I will organize my files at the beginning, and not 11 years later. 

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